Welcome to f2b Placement

JOB चाहिए , हमारे पास आइये |

Our branches

Raebareli | Lucknow

About us

Some words about us

f2b Placement is a leading manpower outsourcing company and ranks among the top 6 staffing companies in Uttar Pradesh..We have a PAN India service footprint with branch offices in 2 cities, We provide and support manpower profile in Automobile dealership ,Retail , footwear and leather, Textile and Garrment, FMCG, Finance and Etc.

  • Vision - f2b Placement stands for Innovative Outsourcing for your Enterprise: We manage your Human resource; you manage your core Business. Innovative - this simple yet powerful phrase has everything to do with the way we approach every customer and every requirement. Outsourcing - the philosophy behind ‘f2b Placement’ is what we offer our customers.
  • Manpower provisioning - Sourcing, On boarding, People management and Payroll Management of skilled and semi-skilled manpower
  • How We Work - Under this arrangement, the HR Services Provider - f2b Placement , enters into a master agreement with the Outsourcing Client Company. This contract dictates the service levels promised to the Client Company and benefits the Services provider will provide to the employees. A separate contract is entered into between each employee and f2b Placement. This contract enumerates the compensation and benefits that an employee enjoys during his tenure of his contract. This contract may be fixed term or open term depending on the client requirement. And based on the requirement request that a client raises, f2b Placement the right people, to take on these required roles. Training, induction, and necessary resources, where required, are provided by f2b Placement


WHY f2b Placement FRANCHISE

  • Well established brand since 2012.
  • Tested and Successfully Implemented Business Model.
  • Proper, Adequate and Timely Support with Genuine Guidelines to Reduce Risk and Losses.
  • Great Recognition from the Day One.
  • Evergreen Risk Free Business Opportunity with Low Cost of Project.
  • Minimum Investment - Maximum Profit.
  • Proper Research & Development and Training Support..
  • Strong and timely support system related with administrative, operational, academic, marketing.

Meet our team

A summary of our key strengths are

Presence in 2 locations

Wide spread presence enables us to provide Pan-India recruitment & helps us to mobilize resources faster.

Deplopment Locations

We serve our clients through the length and breadth of the country, irrespective of the fact that we might not have a branch office present in a particular city. queries and addresses their concerns if any. Alternate means of contact include SMS and email as well

Automated recruitment and payroll system

Our customized recruitment and payroll software helps maintain data, minimize errors and ensures on-time delivery

Client and Associate access portal

The client access provides information on various aspects concerning outsourced manpower and helps keep a tab on routine activities.


We provides customize solutions to address client’s special requirements.

Strong focus on key verticals

Footwear, Retail, IT, Automobile, Financial Services & Insurance, Engineering, Education, Entertainment, and many more.

Our placed candidates testimonials

Feel free to contact us

For Companies: Contact for Office Staff : 8546060100

Branch Contact No.: RaeBareli : 8090950780 | Lucknow : 8707321424 | 8090950780

E-mail : hr@f2bplacement.com | f2bplacement@gmail.com